Saturday, September 22, 2012

"Travel Documentary" Project for FLC class

As part of one of the Chinese FLC (Foreign Language Core) classes in the Ateneo, we were given a project/ task to create our own travel documentary  to showcase the different scenic spots in the Philippines.

All I can say is that this is one hell of a hassle and tiring project (given our heavy workload as college students) but also a fun way to bond with group mates and friends. I remember clearly how I had to squeeze in the production of this project into my already tight schedule that runs for about a month - literally a hell month of pure acads and a series of tests as we call it.

But eventually my group managed to pull it off, and we even got in to the Top 10 shortlist of the Chinese Department's best travel video! (awww yeahh!) There are a lot of nice, wonderful videos out there in the field but I am proud to say that our work/video, win or lose, is a product of our sweat and blood.

I may be ashamed of myself for being in the video and actually acting like a retard, but hey, give me the credit for trying and  braving the walk of fame that is sure to ensue once the video goes viral (in our campus or networks at the least).

Here's the finished product!